The European Board of NLP 



The official Board of Neuro-Linguistic Programming in Europe


European Board


NLP (Neuro-Lingusitic Programming)


Applied Protocols


The European Board of NLP (EBNLP) aims to adapt and develop the NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) techniques into protocols for various professional fields and activities, the purpose being their effective application for the successful achievement of specific professional objectives safeguarding the system from misiterpretations and erroneous practices.

Personal Success

·          NLP for Personal Development

·       NLP in Sports


Coaching/ Therapeutic Protocol

·        NLP for Coaching

·         NLP for Health Professionals

Business & Coaching Protocol (Contextualized in the field/ industry)

·         NLP in Executive Coaching 

·       NLP in Communication for Professionals

Education Protocol

·          NLP for Kids & Teens

·       NLP for Parents/ Teachers

EBNLP,  European Community Trademark No. 008663155,  Avenida de Europa 4, E- 03008 Alicante Spain