The European Board of NLP 



The official Board of Neuro-Linguistic Programming in Europe


European Board


NLP (Neuro-Lingusitic Programming)


Certification Studies Standards


The European Board of NLP (EBNLP) aims to delve and develop the NLP techniques to include local language patterns and cultural peculiarities to maximize the model's effectiveness and aligns with the Society of NLP, the International Trainers Association of NLP, the European Community of NLP into: 


NLP Practitioner Certification

NLP Master Practitioner Certfication

NLP Trainer / NLP Master Trainer Certfication



Applicable to all certificaton levels


Ability to demonstrate behavioral integration of the Axioms of NLP (the NLP Presuppositions in-depth, and how to apply them effectively).


NLP Practitioner Certification


A. Duration of Training: A minimum of 120 hours of training in the basics of NLP patterns taught by a Certified Trainer.


B. Competence: to identify and utilize the following basic skills, techniques, patterns and concepts of NLP with self and others.


Rapport (establishment and maintenance).

Pacing and Leading (verbal and non verbal).

Calibration (sensory based experience).

Representational Systems (predicates, overlap and translation).

Verbal and non-verbal elicitation of responses.

Eye Accessing Cues.

The TOTE Model.

Strategies; (detection, elicitation, utilization, & installation).

Structures of present state.

10.  Meta-Model

11.  Milton-Model

12.  Well-formed, Ecological Outcomes.

13.  Metaphors

14.  Frames and Reframing.

15.  Anchoring (VAK, contextualized to the field of application).).

16.  Anchoring Techniques (Collapsing Anchors, Stacking Anchors , Sliding Anchors).

17.  States of Excellence (Accessing and building of resources).

18.  Dissociation and Association.

19.  Chunking, Hierarchy of ideas.

20.  SubModalities (Mapping Across).

21.  Visual Squash

22.  Demonstration of Behavioral Flexibility.

23.  Peripheral Vision Development.

24.  Eliminating Hesitation.

25.  Shutting Off Internal Dialogue .

26.  Swish Patterns.

27.  Six Step Reframing.

28.  TimeLine

29.  Fast Phobia Model.

30.  Future Pacing.

NLP Master Practitioner Certification


A. Duration of Training: A minimum of 120 hours of advanced training taught by a Certified Trainer. 


B. Mastering:

All practitioner level skills (individually and in combination)

Individualized interventions


C. Competence in identifying and utilizing the following specific Master Practitioner Skills, techniques, patterns and concepts with self and others.


Pacing and Leading in-depth

Advanced Sensory Acuity

Quantum Linguistics

Advanced Language Patterns

Advanced Presuppositions

Meta Programs

Values and Criteria

Criteria Ladder

Advanced Submodalities

10.  Logical Levels

11.  Belief Change Techniques (Reimprinting, Utilizing and Transforming Beliefs and Presuppositions)

12.  Sleight of Mouth Patterns and Conversational Change

13.  Hypnotic Protocols for rapid change

14.  Trance Inductions

15.  Meta and Milton models in depth

16.  Modelling Excellence

17.  Eliciting and Installing Strategies

18.  The Language of Influence and Persuasion (Negotiations, Presentation skills)

19.  The Focus Frame

20.  The TMS Profiling System

21.  Storytelling

22.  Nested Loops

23.  Accessing your intuition and communicating with your unconscious

24.  Multi-level communication

NLP Trainer Certification


A. Duration of Training: A minimum of 130 hours of training by a Certified Master Trainer. 


B. Mastering: Practitioner and Master Practitioner techniques simultaneously overtly and covertly.


C. Competence in Presentation and Teaching skills.


Demonstrating ability to pace and lead an audience.

Using the art of framing to open experience, to set outcomes, to sequence information, shift between content and context to lead audience to discover the resources and expand mode of thinking for greater results.

Designing and organizing presentations to integrate abilities of both brain hemispheres.

Teaching through example. Teaching what you do overtly and demonstrating elegantly covertly what you teach.

Designing exercises and in vitro demos to facilitate people�s discovery of skills, bring forth greater potential into action, create resourceful states and maximize group dynamics.

Answering questions in a way that integrate the learning models and channel learnings in daily life.

Maximizing your language patterns efficiency to multiply communication power.

Adapting the NLP system of techniques into contextualized fields (Protocols) for maximum effectiveness.

Learning to apply the techniques into various training models (not only NLP).

Turning trainings and presentations to memorable, fantastic and fun experiences.

Creating an environment of focus and increased awareness.


NLP Master Trainer Certification

Training and supervision by a certified Master Trainer aiming at:

Acquiring and demonstrating the highest levels of expertise in the NLP training arena.

Enhancing skills of improvisation and utilisation and incorporating them into NLP trainings. 

 Delving into the structure of the relationship between teaching and learning as a process to facilitate, within a group, unity and promote deep, applied and cohesive learnings.

Mastering the process of meaning making to mobilize conscious and unconscious resources.

Designing and delivering trainings to contribute to the continuing evolution of NLP.

Certifying NLP Trainers to shape the future of NLP.

Expanding training ideas to make profound shifts in the thinking of the audience and bring forth greater potential into action.

Turning unexpected audience responses into opportunities and possibilities and incorporate them into the realm of training. 

 Experimenting with ideas and extending the range of abilities and skills to develop metaphors for change.